LAW 534 Study Guide - Final Guide: Enbridge, Love Canal, Vale Limited

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16 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Law 534: government regulation of business 3. Chapter 1 regulating & deregulating risk page 1-1 1-34 3. 1:20 a brief historical & philosophical journey 3. 1:40 walkerton: a case study of the importance of regulations 4. 1:49:10 lac-megantic, british petroleum oil spill&fukishima daiichi nuclear accident. 1:49:10. 40. 10 deepwater horizon & british petroleum 4. 1:50:20 risk assessment: expert evidence versus the public opinion 4. 1:50:30 risk assessment & empirical measurement 5. Chapter 1: regulating & deregulating risk page 1-34. 1 1-49 6. 1:60 codification of risk the roles of regulations 6. 1:70 risk management & enforcement of regulations 7. 1:80 risk interpretation: the roles of the courts 7. Chapter 2: evolution & classification of offences page 2-1 2-6 7. 2:15 ex ante versus ex post rules 7. 2:15:10 advantages of ex ante systems 7. 2:15:20 disadvantages of an ex ante system 8. 2:15:30. 10 the proper role of ex ante regulations 9. 2:15:20. 20 rules versus principle within ex ante 9.