LAW 321 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Constitution Act, 1982, Concurrent Jurisdiction, Personal Property

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Document Summary

Canadian law can be organized and categorized (mapped) in various ways. Some categorizaions relect the substanive diferences between certain types of law (e. g. , criminal law vs. civil law). Other categorizaions relect difering sources of the law (e. g. , consituion, legislaion, common law). All other laws must conform to the requirements of the consituion. Legislaion is the law enacted by parliament and the provincial and territorial legislatures. Common law is the body of legal rights and obligaions arising out of judges" rulings. We cannot abolish the senate because the senate is in the consituion. You would need to amend the consituion and remove the senate, requires approval of all provinces. Tort law for the most part is common law. We have the bna act of 1867 and the consituion of 1982 (this now included the charter) The consituion act, 1867 - establishes canada"s system of government, including the division of powers between the federal government and the provinces.