LAW 122 Study Guide - Final Guide: Strict Liability, Vicarious Liability, Etawah Safari Park

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Reading before class- chap 3 intro to torts. Torts are derived from private law and crimes are derived from public law. That"s tort of battery and crime of assault. Thus, i can be charged by you as tort and behalf of government for assault. Similarities between torts and contracts: structure: the similarity between the two. Tort however, no need for relationship to be made. If incidient happens, regardless if you know the person, you can sue: compensation: the method of compensation is used differently for tort and contract. Purpose of imposing obligations(rules) in tort law is to prevent harm. If you breach, the compensation is to pay for the damages done to human. In contract, the purpose of imposing obligations(rules) is usually to provide benefits to the 2 parties. If breached, the you simply compensate the other party by putting them in the position they expected to have when promise was fulfilled.