ITM 100 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Call Centre, Upselling, Data Mining

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ITM 100 Full Course Notes
ITM 100 Full Course Notes
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Characteristics of high quality data and information: 1. accuracy. Business- critical integrity constraints- enforces business rules vital to an organizations success and often require more in sight and knowledge than the relational integrity constraint ex)not accepting returns after 15 days. 28. database management system (dbms)- is software that users and application programs interact with a database- users send a request to the. Forward integration which takes the data that is entered and sends it automatically to all downstream systems and processes. Multi dimensional database- layers of columns and rows and most data warehouses and data marts are these types of databases which allows users to gain insight into into their information. Dimension- is a particular attribute of information each layer in a warehouse or mart has info related to the addition of a dimension. The trade off for perfect info lies in accuracy vs. completeness.