INT 902- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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Linguistic conventions that structure meanings assigned to disability. Patterns of response to disability that comes from those meanings. Language and naming is one of the key ways dominant groups keep marginalized people in t e r (cid:587)place(cid:588) Names used to identify disabled people have emerged from oppressive practices. Ableism: discrimination in favour of the able-bodied. Includes t e dea t at person"s ab l t es/ c aracter st cs are determ ned by d sab l ty: people with disabilities are inferior to non-disabled people. Disability: used to signify a physical or psychological condition. : medically derived term that assigns predominantly medical significance to certain types of human variation. : term in a complex web of social ideals, institutional structures, and gov policies. Disablement: loss of function without loss of earning power. One benefit: medical treatments have increased well-being of disabled people saved lives. Group bound by common social and political experience.