HTL 503 Study Guide - Final Guide: Meeting And Convention Planner, Mean Business, Risk Management

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Meeting people gathered to discuss a topic. Convention series of meetings with a tradeshow/exhibit attached. City wide convention there are so many people attending several hotels are needed to accommodate all the room nights. Incentive a reward given to those who qualify. 2012 microsoft ww partners conference toronto 15k people, --- (came back, 2016) In house planner is an employee of the company whose role is to plan the events. Meeting management company planner is part of a large company hired to orchestrate the meeting/convention services (ex. Independent planner on their own, running a small meeting planning company (typically an ex" of one of the above scenarios) Suppliers planner who is on the supplier side, helping organize the meeting (ex. 5 billion new rev | 1 billion from delegates expenditures. Mice events are a critical part of stimulating a city"s economy: creates jobs, offers financial impact, tax revenues generated impacts community by funding police, fire, schools, causes an overreaching effect.