HTT 303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Garuda Indonesia, The Hockey News, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

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Week 3 september 21st 26th: eg becoming an ownership parternship overseas , bahamas mar casino resort bahamas. ( chinese, harmony cove casino resort jamicaica. -- if jamaican govt dosent agrees to guarantee chinas. -- china also controls the amount of money going. Out of its country not to go bankrupt . To all the branches helps keep traveler conviencce. Ulrtimate buisness is the gambling :: whaless in hand of. Cards in casiono is 250,000 dollars just at a hand and. They can play all night ,, owners will provide. Everythingg the customer will jus which or hope for: integration promotes all markets all over the world, integration causes a widening in clientel ( tabdeeel. Zabayan ) airline and travel agency kinda thing . !!! Integration gives economy of scale and it the most imp. Rational optoimist they have the ability tpo specialize we. But there is pros and cons: every hotel brand has its own crv and own travel dist.