HST 702 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nivelle Offensive, Felix Yusupov, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

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The home front: the home front as offense, human resources. Material support for war effort: arms productions, popular support for the war effort, critical role of women, the home front as defense, internment of enemy aliens , population transfers of ethnic minorities. The canadian home front: canadian exports quadruple, 1914-1919, steel, weapons, food, clothing, footwear. 30,000 women in non-traditional jobs: canadians generate two billion dollars in war bonds. White feather campaign: admiral charles fitzgerald establishes the order of the white feather , 1914, stated goal is to mobilize women to shame men into joining kitchener"s new. Army : supported and administered by both pro and anti-suffrage women"s groups, continues throughout the war, spreads to canada, usa, australia, and new. If you"re given a white feather, you"re considered as coward because if you"re not in war, what are you exactly doing for the country. Siegfried sassoon, 1886-1967: anti-war thinking as mental illness.