[HST 501] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 94 pages long Study Guide!

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American civil war: april 12, 1861 april 9, 1865. United states of america (usa) (1991) (2003 -- ?) If you really want to understand america today you need to understand the civil war. We"re often told that the civil war was fought to abolish slavery and bring equality between the races in america. We"ll soon find out that the civil war didn"t start or end that way. America in 2016 is deeply divided and in a way it"s an interesting time to take hst501 because of the elections we"re facing now with trump v. clinton. There were a number of presidential elections and campaigns leading up to the civil war which reflected things happening in america and how they affected what was going to happen next. Hst501 is one of the few history courses which doesn"t deal with foreign lands overseas. It"s a war that divides the old world from the new world.