[HST 210] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 12 pages long Study Guide!

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13th (1865): abolishes slavery in the u. s emancipating 4 million slaves. 14th (1868): bestows citizenship rights on african americans and guarantees equal protection of the law. 15th (1870): forbade states of denying suffrage to any male citizen under the account of race, colour, and previous condition of servitude. 1854: formation of gop there are nativists/xenophobic strains in the party: committed to using federal government to promote economic development (under the appeals of business/industrial elites) From 1890-1960: the democratic party is the party of the south; nearly all white southerners vote democratic. *in a world where whites no longer physically own blacks, segregation was used to maintain control of them. Compromise of 1877: northern army is withdrawn from the south under rutherford b. Period of jim crow laws follows seeing systematic exclusion from politics, segregation in public life, intense racial violence, and economic discrimination towards blacks.