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Gra 633 final exam review (based on jeopardy game lab) What colour is this? (somewhat low in red, nothing in green, big in blue: magenta. Which effect gives same colour under one light, but different colour under a second light: metamerism. 3 things needed to perceive colour: light source, object, and observer. Rgb are primary colours, in this colour system: additive. The l*a*b* colour space is based on what light source: d50. Cells in human eye that are sensitive to colour are know as: cones. In what colour range is colour difference is most visible: neutral grey. The area of the human eye most sensitive to colour, is called the: fovea. What do the 3 axis of l*a*b* represent: lightness (l*), redness (+a*), greenness (-a*), yellowness (+b*), and blueness (-b*) The human visual system is sensitive to this range of wavelength: 400 nm to 700 nm. Name 2 methods of press calibration: g7 & tvi/solid ink targets.