GRA 424 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cmyk Color Model, Lab Color Space, Focus Group

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P-bar: add the amount of number nonconforming together, add number inspected together, divide number conforming by number inspected. Add all numbers together, divide by amount of data. Arange numbers from least to greatest, take the middle number (if there is two, average it) Dot gain: find total dot area, subtract density amount measure from total dot area, answer is the dot gain. Green = cyan + yellow: subtract density of first down ink from density of second down ink, divide by density of second down ink. Always take the density of 75% tint: divide solid ink density by the density of the 75% tint, divide the answer of step 1 by the solid ink density. Keep in mind, yellow is the closest perfect ink colour. Hue error: mid density - low density, high density - low density, divide step 1 by step 2. Paper surface efficiency (pse: 100 - a(absorptivity, step 1 + gloss, divide all by 2.