GMS 401 Study Guide - Orange Roughy, Egg Tart

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Food is a reflex, everyone has to eat. Salt is one of the oldest foods you will ever consume (10s of million years old), there is nothing older than salt. Some things we eat fresh, some things we eat after it has aged. In this country, we don"t eat very fresh eggs. Increasingly, the dated stamps of eggs in the supermarket has been a recent innovation. We don"t generally know how old the eggs we buy are. To determine if an egg is fresh, fresh egg will float horizontally, old egg will float in a more vertical fashion. To determine if egg is raw or hard boiled, you spin it. Uncooked eggs do not spin, cooked eggs do spin. Olivia, a roman emporist, hatched an egg by nestling it between her breasts. Portugal egg custard tart developed because of the surplus of yolks around the time this dish was invented by the munks.