[GEO 509] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 39 pages long Study Guide!

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Eggs in supermarket can be sold for 1 month old. Bosom incubator pastiche de nata (pastesh denata): custard tart (egg) portuguese tart past is de belem - lisban monastery (origin) Orange roughy: from new zealand (50 years old) French uses 61 lbs of butter to fry 12 eggs. Sleep more at night, rest period during the day. Rest in bed for 1-2 times a week. Fungus that comes from a tree - extremely expensive. Comes in black (france) or white - very rare (italy) Comes from a plant: middle east, spain, turkey. Serendipity: good outcome unexpectedly, good fortune/ pleasant surprise. By the end of 19th century, there was a lack of understanding. Everybody in north america ate food that is adulterated (modified) On average, 50 tons of food are consumed. On average, 50,000 litres are consumed in terms of liquid. Killing of animals = 21,000 animals are consumed on average. Not sustainable as a result of government subsidies.