[GEO 131] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 22 pages long Study Guide!

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Office hours: tue: 1:10pm-3:00pm (or by appointment) One hour classes continue on from the two-hour class the day before. Course outline: introduction to environment issues confronting canadian society. We will examine: urban ecology, forestry, fresh water systems, agro ecosystems. Chiras, d. d. , 2014 environmental science 10th edition. First assignment due october 5th: (1 at 10%, 4 pages, 1. 5 line spacing paper. Ecosystem approach (clockwise order: atmosphere, hydrosphere. Frozen portions of the globe: litosphere. Environment: combination of the spheres in which everything exists, home/habitat which all things depend on, complex of social or cultural conditions that affect and individual or community. System: a combination of parts or members which work together to form a complex whole, share common characteristics: Involves inputs, processing, and outputs of material, energy, information or data. Tree needs water and nutrients from the soil, gets it from the water cycle, absorbs carbon dioxide, stores carbon and sugar. Warm water and land bioactivity increases, decomposition occurs.