GEO 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cirque Glacier, Glacier Morphology, Storm Surge

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What is glacier: mixture of ice and rock, 95% water. Alaska is 1 half of asia or 75x new zealand. World"s glacier ice: antarctica 91. 4, greenland 7. 9% Glaciers is 3. 1% of earth"s surface: 265ft if all glaciers melt, less than 1 ft. if alaska melted, glaciers are mixtures of ice and rock, glacier ice evolves through the metamorphism of snow. Compaction compression recrystallization of snow in glaciers: alters volume, density and crystal structure. Glacier ice has a density of about 0. 9. Glacier ice has density range of 8. 8992% Glaciers are blue because water absorbs all colors except blue. Glacial plucking: erosion and transportation of individual pieces of bedrock especially large blocks on glaciers. Glacier deposits: (when ice melts: crevasse fill, esker. The factors influence formation of glacier: global warming. How do glaciers move: melting between the base of the glacier and bedrock, basal slit, plastic flow from the influence of gravity.