[RTA 927] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (19 pages long)

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Document Summary

A contract is an agreement which the law regards as conferring rights and imposing personal obligations, which it will protect and enforce, on the parties to the agreement. Includes any influence by which the exercise of free and deliberate judgement is excluded. When we fuck over artists the artist has to be legally represented for it to be legally binding; we want you to get independent legal advice. Minor can void an existing contract either during minority or a reasonable amount of time after attaining majority. Major deal concepts there are certain amounts that are recouple. All configurations, including those not yet invented. Contract period expires after ## months from delivery or release. It is a payment that is paid to the client from the company while royalties on sales are set against it. Royalties refers to the sum of money paid to the composer for each copy. it is how artists get paid.