FNF 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Health Equity, Critical Period, Advantageous

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Week 3: feb 2nd health disparities in canada today . Infant mortality is higher in poorer regions across canada, than richer ones. One place encapsulates how some places, such as neighbourhoods, can be more advantageous to health than others, due to the inequitable opportunities available between them. Access to resources such as food, parks, health services, educational services and others appear to vary across neighbourhoods, limiting the opportunities for those who have less, and increasing the opportunities for those having more. Places can thus both constrain and enable health possibilities. Week 6: march 1st poor children grow into poor adults . Childhood is a sensitive period for developing cognition, physical vitality and personality. Damage from childhood poverty can sometimes be resisted or reversed. Connection between resilience and plasticity: resilience deals with influential characteristics that occur during childhood and outcomes of interventions during sensitive periods.