FNA 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Omnivore, Hunter-Gatherer, The Sequence

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There are so many different perspectives on how we view food as a result of groups we identify with and individual identity. There are biological, psychological, and social factors which makes it difficult to pin point. Name and describe the two aspects of human relationship with food that he uses to explain human relationship with food. An omnivore has the ability to survive on a multitude of foodstuffs, choose various diets and adapt to changes in the environment. However, an omnivore cannot obtain all its nutrients from one food. Therefore, they must experiment, the food relationship is balanced by the tension of anxiety against neophelia; tendency to explore, need for change, novelty and neophobia; resistance to change, prudence and fear of the unknown. The eater not only incorporated the food but the food incorporates the eater into a culinary system that is embedded in a culture and cosmology. (cid:862)you are (cid:449)hat you eat(cid:863)