FSN 132- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 82 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Pre-historic (c. 42 000 8 000 bce) Lion-man statuette (hohlenstein-stadel cave, germany), c. 40,000-35,000 bce, Intention and exhibition makes it into a work of art. Museum tour (rom), with 6 works of art (not artifacts) Not all buildings are architecture (hut vs palace) Art is a thing of beauty that lasts forever. True to nature, represents accurate appearance of something in the natural world. Don"t get side-tract to identify who is represent. Entrance and tomb interior of newgrange passage grave, showing kerbstone and corbelled chamber with spiral engravings, ireland, c. 3000-2500 bce. Does not represent anything in the world or reality. Any form of 2d (photograph, painting, print, sketch) Bison, on the ceiling of a cave at altamira, spain, c. 12,000 bce. Corballing (volting, layer of stone placed closer to the centre than piece under, capped with a capstone) (construction technique) Thought first work of art was the tattoo. Done to teach us about ourselves & society.