ENH 617 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chemotroph, Thermodynamics, Calorie

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Population age structure is if 2 countries similar populations but differing age structures, they will have dramatically different future population growth. Richest 20% are responsible for more than 75%of global consumption. Wealthiest countries use 25 times more energy per capita than the poorest countries. Energy is measured in calories and joules. Calorie is amount of heat needed to raise one gram (one ml) of water one degree celsius (c), starting at 15 degrees. A joule is the work done (or energy used) to produce 1 watt of power for one second. 1st law of thermodynamics: conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it is merely changed from one form into. When energy is transformed from one form into another, there is always a decrease in the quality of usable energy; some energy is lost as lower-quality, dispersed energy to the surrounding environment, often as heat. Ways organisms and ecosystems transform energy: photosynthesis and cellular respiration.