CRM 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hybrid Offence, Human Services, Voyeurism

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Victimization is harmful discussing it helps debate the problem: creates dialogue and gives ability to create social change. The victim is typically seen as a witness; the state is the victim. There is a renewed interest of victim"s rights however their role is still limited. Justice for a victim is about doing the right thing : it is about: accountability, social reform, acknowledgement and validation and cultural recognition, mainstream theories. Align with consensus theories of crime and with claims that law is and acts unbiased, impartial and value-neutral. Focus on differentiation between victims and non-victims. Routine activity theory (activity patterns criminal opportunities) o. Victimization is primarily seen as an outcome of an individual"s lifestyle and social affiliations (ex. Absence of capable guardianship willingness to supervise, ability o to detect potential offenders, willingness to intervene when necessary. There is an increased vulnerability online because of the absence of capable guardianship.