CRM 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cesare Beccaria, Chemical Castration, Egalitarianism

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Individuals are rational beings who exercise free will to maximize pleasure. Crime is based on calculated and rational thought processes and cost-beneficial calculation. State acts on behalf of people for egalitarianism. Punishment promotes deterrence and rehabilitation (not corporal punishment/arbitrary) Responses to is measured punishment determined by crime committed, proportionality. Criminal law: violation of law, social contract between state + population. Guards can observe the many without the watched knowing if/when they are being watched. Crime based on the genetics of the offender. Crime is predetermined by genetics = born criminal not made. Crime is individual choice and free will. Biology includes race, sex, brain function, skin colour, bone & hair structure. Crime is inherent in specific populations (races, sexes, ages) Experimentation: scientific tests to find traces of criminality in genetics of person and the difference between people. Originated from the theory describing natural selection. The biological concept that fitness is defined by genes & reproduction.