CRM 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Restorative Justice, Middle Ages, Sigmund Freud

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Crime 101 mid-term exam study guide topics and concepts covered. Lecture 1: what is criminology? (assigned reading: s&m ch. Integrated perspective: multiple forces, a brief history of criminology: positivism (began 1850s, august comte (1798-1857) Promoted positivism: a brief history of criminology: cesare lombroso. Inherited criminal traits, cause crime: father of criminology anthropology (183-1909) studied the born criminal. 2: atavistic anomalies: physical traits that are similar to those of our savage ancestors. Interested in the role of criminal law in shaping society: theory construction. Explaining, predicting criminal behaviour: criminal behaviour. Determining nature, cause of crime patterns: penology. Correction and control of criminal behaviour: victimology. Consensus view assumptions: people agree on what is repugnant, people"s agreement is incorporated into criminal law. Law enforcement targets the underdog, not the powerful. Crime is a violation of societal rules of behaviour as interpreted by a legal criminal code created by people holding social and political power.