CRM 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Racialization

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The social and political context of policing. Public policing in canada ii (henry and tator p. 161) a) Relations between the police and racial-minority communities can be seen as a means to gauge the general climate of racial bias and discrimination in canada. Relations between police and racially minoritized communities will always be extremely fragile because the police are the most visible embodiment of the dominant group"s power. Attitudes of the police are a reflection of current social perceptions of minoritized groups as well as the historical attitudes of the white dominant majority. Police are more likely to mistreat individuals who are stigmatized by the dominant society. Police contribute to the criminalization of marginalized individuals by selectively. A contributing factor to overpolicing/ racial profiling is the influence of the wider perceiving and responding to deviance sociopolitical context in which the police operate.