CRI 800- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Think of a big presentation to a prospective angel investor. Part 1: the day to day story of managing this new business. Did a hit show but need to create another one, keep generating good movies. Any element of a business that"s not ready to go yet, not finished. Protect these things, not put them in too quickly but not kill them. We know there"s flaws, but there"s something here worth protecting (at the core) It is the magic fit between what you make and why people buy it. The products and services that create value for a customer. Where your company"s product offer intersects with your customer"s desires. Sustaining innovation- keep the customer happy, nailing down your processes. All parts of your business are working in harmony and efficiency. No us and them in an ensemble -> we. Ensemble set standards of behaviour towards each, thus family was not a good word for them.