CMN 279 Study Guide - Tripadvisor, Drywall, Dry Cleaning

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There are three parts to the module 4/5 assignment. Your persuasive piece of writing will be composed for a social media context, and will be a response to a complaint on tripadvisor, which can be found in the next section module 4/5 assignment. Read both module 4 and 5 before completing your draft. The draft is required for the second part of the assignment: the second part requires that you peer edit another person"s draft online. Once you submit your work (through the link in the assignments folder) the system will assign you another student"s work to peer edit. Please see the peer editing instructions below to complete this part of the assignment. Your ga will be grading the final persuasive piece. It is worth 3% of your final mark. Before providing peer-editing feedback, refer to and review the peer-editing guide and video in.