BLG 10A/B Final: BLG 10A – Chapter 15 Special Senses

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Accessory structures: eyebrows, eyelids, conjunctiva, larcimal apparatus, extrinsic eye muscles. Sclera: posterior portion bulk of the fibrous layer, is the glistening white and opaque layer. Protects and shapes the eyeball and anchoring site of the muscles. Cornea: transparent, bulges from the sclera, forms a window that lets light enter the eye and is the major part of the light bending apparatus. Choroid: blood-vessel rich, nourish all eye layer the brown pigments. Ciliary body: anteriorly, encircles the lenses, consist of smooth muscle to control the lenses. Ciliary processes secrete fluid that fills the cavity. Iris: visible colored part, the central opening pupil allows light in. Iris made of 2 smooth muscle and elastic fibers (vary pupil size) Retina: contains millions of photoreceptors that transduce light energy, rods and cones. Optic disk, or the blind spot, where optic nerve connects. Lens: bioconvex, transparent, flexible structure that can change shape to precisely focus light on the retina.