ACS 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethnic Religion, Oka Crisis, Oilskin

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Tone: author"s implicit attitude toward the people, places and events in a story scraping, sandpaper: setting: physical or social context in which the action of a story occurs; time, place social environment that frames the character . Toronto, multicultural: metaphor: figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as subway cart, first 6 pages, themes established: First six pages are a framework to encapsulate, and cues to interpret the content. Things we should look out for in the rest of the story. First sentence of book hover , can a city actually hover - being above something, disconnected from the ground, unstable, being watched or something uncomfortable, menacing, uncomfortability. What themes do the overlaps reveal: setting and tone speak about setting in a negative tone telephone, loss of connection, communication break ground. Failure politicians (blame), loss of stability: sense of immobility (locked in houses from driveway paths being covered)