PSYC 351 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Cortex, Startle Response, Vertical Integration

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Psyc 351 topic 4: central nervous system: how do we know what"s going on in the brain, animals and dead people, neuropsych tests i. e. stroop test. Imaging: localized lesions and damage -> use local lesions to determine where impairments in functioning are, some tests can stand as proxy for functioning in specific regions. Neural anatomy: brain an organ with areas connected chemically and electrically. Identification of different regions holds some weight in understanding if you take out hippocampus, memory won"t be as good but doesn"t mean memory function localized there. The reverse inference problem: affirming the consequent fallacy -> showing that a causes b doesn"t mean that if b is present, If asked to rate faces on which look friendliest or most trustworthy, rate almost all equal. The frontal cortex: regulation, mirror neurons, time slows down with cortical operations -> consider options for reactions, considered chief component to controlling/regulating actions ->