PSYC 342 Study Guide - Final Guide: Whirr, Basking In Reflected Glory, Political Psychology

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Sizeable literature on political social influence processes within the fields of political science, Psyc 342 topic 8: social influence in politics social psych, political psychology, communications: vast majority of studies have been conducted within the american political context. In some studies, participants also given open-ended questions asking them to list the most important problems facing the country: average percentage listing the problem in the no exposure condition was. 37. 3: average percentage listing the problem in the exposure conditions was. If shift is to positive performance issues, presidents can become more popular. Issue becomes so big that even people who are fairly casual political consumers, they"re tuned in: media shifted to anti-vietnam war stance. If you track coverage, you can plot america"s opinions on the floor and can see that support just plummets. In one condition, a reporter revealed the information, whereas in the second condition the candidate revealed the information.