PSYC 342 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Comparison Theory, Social Proof, Pluralistic Ignorance

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Principle of social proof: the principle that people determine what is correct by finding out what others think is correct. Social comparison theory: people are motivated to evaluate themselves, ideally based on objective cues, want something concrete and objective to compare ourselves to - not always available. If cannot use objective cues, engage in social comparison. Social comparison - compare ourselves against similar others: family, friends, peers, not historical figures, celebrities, etc. Social proof operates most powerfully when we are observing the behaviour of people just like us: use the actions of others to determine proper behaviour for ourselves, especially when we see them as similar to ourselves. Real world examples: car dealers, target neighbors of recent customers. "so and so just bought a new car!" Salting tip jars: other people are tipping, evangelical ministers use ringers, ads provide testimonials and statements of popularity.