PSYC 332 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bicycle Helmet, Job Satisfaction, Healthy Diet

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Sustained exercise that stimulates and strengthens the heart and lungs, improving the body"s utilization of oxygen. Marked by it"s high intensity, long duration, and need for high endurance. What is the recommended 150 mins a day 30 mins 5 times a week. However it depends on what an indiv. goals. Increase in soft tissue and joint flexibility (yoga) Improves mood and feeling of well-being (short- and long-term) May enhance optimism (leads to fewer physical symptoms and more positive well being) May have a beneficial effect on cognitive processes; ability to maintain/ focus attention longer. Effects are typically small (however can still vastly improve some peoples lives). Ones own level of expectation of how it will improve their lives has an effect on how it does effect you. Only 49% of canadians are at least moderately active during their leisure time. Self-efficacy does one feel like they can get it done.