[POLS 261] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 16 pages long Study Guide!

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Importance of historical events in shaping ir and the international system. Watershed events: event marking a significant historical change. 2001: world and ir began to shift. China, russia, us are focused on more based on their hegemony. International outcomes are determined by the actions of great powers. Hegemon: more active hand on international affairs. Types of hegemonic power: bipolar, multipolar, unipolar. Power transitions are unstable and often lead to war. Charles kupchan: "china and other rising power will seek to fashion alternative orders based on their own, cultural, ideological, and socioeconomic trajectories" Hard power: materialistic advantages and capabilities of states, leading to their rank in the international system (military, sources of attraction) The international system is understood based on materialistic capabilities. Soft power: power through attraction, not having to resort to coercion or payment. Difficult to project because it relies on other people following a state"s lead without having to punish/pay them.