[POLS 261] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 98 pages long Study Guide!

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Critical security studies : constructivism: ideas, norms and culture. Aspects of international relations are historically and socially constructed, rather than consequences of human nature or other characteristics of world politics. Power and influence are intangibles, and the value we give to these concepts are subjective. Problems of achieving lasting peace and cooperation. Ir not necessarily zero sum (if one state gains, it is at the expensive of another state) Emphasis on international cooperation and mutual benefits. Impacts of ios and non-state actors in shaping state preferences: marxism. International economic system is the key determinate in understanding interstate relations. Views the global system as a system of domination/capitalism. States that are winners vs states that are losers: feminism/gender. Gender -> division of gender, reflect diversity in gender identities, socially constructed. There is no biological basis of how different genders behave and it is socially constructed as well: realism. International system is anarchic (no actor above states)