POLS 230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electoral College, Superdelegate, Joe Biden

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Reddest states and bluest states goes down to see at the state level (governors) also align with national level. Purple states: parity between parties, swing vote (ohio, virginia, florida, 2 years prior to actual first votes, this is invisible primary period, candidates are making decisions behind closed doors. Starts at the individual level (cid:498)why not me? (cid:499) candidates and elites (nra, party elites, media elites) Other actors play an important role in this process, interactions between. Key features of invisible primary: poll taking, money raising, endorsement seeking, hiring. Name recognition can have a huge impact (ex. You can have good name recognition but not have the support from other. Helps to create an early bandwagon effect for a candidate. New/institutes conduct pols but candidates also run private polls in states. If you take public money you face spending limits so most chose to raise private money to avoid this.