POLS 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: Canadian Citizenship Act 1946, Jus Sanguinis, Constitution Act, 1982

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Key points: lays out who can be involved and democratic rights, basic building block of democracy. Rights: the capacities and immunities conferred through status. Identity: the behaviors associated with being part of the collective. Bill c-37: an act to amend the citizenship act, 2009. British north american act, 1867: education rights, some political rights, principles of magna carta & habeas corpus. Constitution act, 1982: section 35: aboriginal rights, charter of rights and freedoms. Rights: bill of rights & charter of r&f. Bill of rights, 1960: first federal law consolidating rights and freedoms, limited by virtue of being statute. Charter of rights and freedoms: extended rights from bill, section 10: legal rights, section 28: equality between men and women, section 27: interpretation clause on multicultural heritage . Official languages act, 1969: canada federal gov"t bilingual, minority language education. French, while strengthening the status and use of the official languages of.