PHGY 350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Clonus, Hydrocephalus, Dementia

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Describe which arteries supply the major lobes of the brain and the brainstem. Functional anastomoses that can redirect blood flow in the brain. Middle cerebral arteries supply the temporal and parietal lobes. Anterior cerebral artery supplies the frontal lobe. Posterior cerebral artery supplies the occipital lobe. Describe 4 ways in which the bbb can be disrupted. Protects the brain by blocking out large and charged molecules. Describe where csf is produced, the structures that it circulates through and how it returns to the blood. Role = buoyancy, protection, and removal of waste products. Because the skull is inflexible so there is no room for expansion: describe what herniation is and its location in the following types: cingulate, uncal, tonsillar. Herniation if the displacement of brain tissue. Uncal = temporal lobe, pushed through cortex. The observation of tissue being pushed out of the optic disc. Herniation causing budging of the eyes: des(cid:272)ri(cid:271)e ho(cid:449) cushi(cid:374)g"s refle(cid:454) progresses.