ASTR 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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First half of the textbook the solar system. Second half of the semester- outside the solar system. Mid term between oct 23-27 (two hour test) 7-9pm. Chapter 1: a modern view of the universe what is our place in the universe. The earth is in the solar system and the solar system is in the milky way. Galaxies have satalite galaxies which are so tiny they cannot be seen by the naked eye. The luminostiy is too small to be seen, we have roughly 70 galaxies in our group. Star: a large, glowing ball of gas that generates heat and light through nuclear fusion. Giant gas planets like jupiter could become a star, if it becomes big enough and has enough nuclear reaction it will emit high energy and heat creating a star. Planet: a moderately large object that orbits a star; it shines by reflected light. Planets may be rocky, icy, or gaseous in composition.