HLTH 237 Study Guide - Final Guide: Impulse Control Disorder, Reward System, Naltrexone

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A condition in which repeated doses of the same amount of drug become diminishingly effective and progressively larger doses are required to secure a desired effect. Develops to different degrees across drug classifications. User becomes more resistant to effects, body has adapted: withdrawal. A maladaptive behavioral change with physiological and cognitive components, that occurs when blood of tissue concentrations of a substance decline in an individual who had maintained prolonged or heavy use of a substance. Intensity varies by drug class: more apparent for opioids, alcohol, other depressants, less apparent with stimulants. Abstinence reaction may be opposite of drug effect. Protracted abstinence symptoms that last for as long as several months: low risk drinking guidelines. Risk associated with drinking increases as the amount of alcohol consumed increases. Addition: stay within weekly limits, drink in a safe environment, no more than 3 drinks every 2 hours: neurotransmitters. Chemicals that transmit information from cell to cell.