GNDS 120 Study Guide - Heteronormativity, Heterosexism, Gender Studies

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Define oppression and discuss the different conditions of oppression. Understand and discuss the different ways power operates in society. Recognize, analyze, and describe your own positions of power, privilege, and marginalization in society. Identify different systems of social oppression experienced in society. Define hegemony and discuss its relationship with gender and racial oppression. Explain the role of patriarchy in gender oppression. Describe the differences between power and being empowered. Describe the relationship between identity and difference. Explain what it means to say that identities are socially constructed. Discuss how the meanings we associate with difference are socially constructed. Define sex and gender and describe the relationship between the two terms. Understand the facts about race and think critically about the assumptions made about race. Identify some of the problems associated with using bodies as markers of difference. Explain how analyses of difference have changed in feminist thought. Demonstrate why an intersectional analysis of identity is important.