DEVS 100 Study Guide - Arab Nationalism, Invented Tradition, Beta-Carotene

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Week 1 exam review: canada, the 3rd world, and the white man"s burden. Internal colonization: in many ways, canada is neither developed nor underdeveloped. some parts of the country are more developed than others; canada is an unevenly developed capitalist country with class and regional inequalities at home, and imperialist concerns abroad . Canadian profit from the 3rd world investments; from . 7 billion in 1980 to . 6 billion in 2007, ie. canadian mining profits; 25% of the latin american total are canadian mining companies. Canadian interactions with the global south to gain more understanding of the gs and its implications to canada, we use the following tools: Missionaries; more significant in colonial time than now. Travelers; includes youth travelling for short term development projects. Government officials; this is the most traditional form of interaction. Canadian diplomats is to provide information and expertise about foreign countries and how canada can best relate with them. European orientation, history of exclusive, whites-only immigration.