GEOL 104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Asthenosphere, Extrusive Rock, Igneous Rock

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1930- wegener leaves for greenland to find evidence of his hypothesis died at 50, buried in snow en route. His theory is hotly debated for the next 30 years. Kept republishing his book when more evidence was found. Rigid lithosphere overlies weak asthenosphere, because of the difference in physical properties between the two, the lithosphere is effectively detached from the asthenosphere. The atmosphere gets stronger as you move to the center of the earth. Crust (harder layer) covering really hot weaker layers. Takes very little force to move the ice and same with crust over a weaker layer. Mid-ocean ridge processes (intrusive & extrusive: mantle rises, melt forms under lithosphere, magma rises and is injected into the crust forming or erupts on seafloor creating a new lithosphere, plates move apart, cool, and thicken over time. Intrusive igneous activity until it"s on the seafloor (decompression melting) makes a divergent boundary and creates a new crust.