COMM 381 Study Guide - Malicious Prosecution, Product Liability, False Imprisonment

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Anns test establish proximity & reasonable foreseeability (subjective & [objective: reasonable person] Proximity closeness of relationship between two parties in whatever happens tort law family gives requisite proximity loss of care/guidance/ Food must be fit for human consumption. Manufacturers have to produce safe design: manufacture without defect, adequately mark product for any harm/hazards. Reverse onus of proof proving that it was not _____ Battery unwanted touching without consent: can be medical -> operates on you without consent. Not just negligent investigation, someone did on purpose. False imprisonment require intent with intent knowing that someone was not guilty. Deceit -> lying which causes suffering harm. Defamation liable written; slander spoken: saying something untrue about someone -> must be published -> on the internet counts. > and you know its not true: absolute privilege can say anything in house of commons and not be sued for it, has to be meant to be taken seriously, public interest best for public interest.