COMM 190 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Technology Acceptance Model, Business Analyst, Adware

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31 Jan 2013

Document Summary

We could develop a competitive strategy for the organization, this is supported by information systems. The information system a company chooses to use should support the company"s competitive strategy. Effectively managing is so they support business objectives is a difficult process. It requires a significant amount of information technology planning, including understanding how technological and organizational systems should be acquired, maintained, and renewed. Some questions to ask: how many computers are in the company, are they the same brand, where were they bought, what os are they using, what aps are being used on them. An it architecture is like a plan for a city. An it architecture is complex and that complexity is increasing as more services are supported and different technology is used. Enterprise architect creates a blueprint of the organizations information systems and the management of these systems.