[CLST 203] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 121 pages long Study Guide!

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Xenophanes (6th-5th century bce) (pre-socratic) i. e if cows had brains they would imagine the gods as cows. Gr. theaomai (cid:523)(cid:498)) gaze at,(cid:499)(cid:524) (cid:498)gods in our own image(cid:499) (cid:498)man is the measure of all things(cid:499) Archetypes: myths are expressions of our feelings, sociology and cultural anthropology. James frazer (e. g. , egyptian, babylonian, nordic, celtic, judaic) idea of a mother goddess, skygod: history and ethnography. Why were women blamed for mens suffering. Myths often deal with divine elements creation of gods and humans relationship with the divine. Myth and religious practice the sacred cult is specific to location and divinity includes ritual (cid:498)repeated actions toward specific divinities in a specific place(cid:499) Can(cid:495)t figure out literacy rate declarations of faith. (cid:498)to provide reality or sense of unity to what is unknown or fragmented in our world (cid:499) (cid:498)truths(cid:499) that go beyond historical context (cid:498)handed down(cid:499) orally over generations. Characters connect to past, convey wisdom to future. Men, women, gods and goddesses, animals, elements.