CLST 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Raetia, Prima Porta, Constantinople

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(manius), l. (lucius), sp. (spurius), gn. (gnaeus), tib. (tiberius), ser. (servius), ap. (appius) A. (aulus), c. (gaius), m. (marcus), q. (quintus, 5th son), sex. (sextus, 6th), d. (decimus, 10th), p. (publius), t. (titus), m. Roman nomenclature: [first name: praenomen] + [middle (clan): nomen] + [last (family): cognomen] = eg. Girls receive the feminine form of their father(cid:495)s nomen = eg. Regions: 1) lavinium (1st city), alba longa, rome (founded by person from alba longa) 2) magna graecia (cid:498)great greece(cid:499) Roman forum center of palatine (1st hill, romans settled here), quirinal (2nd hill) and capitoline. King/rex: protected by 24 lictors/bodyguards with fasces (bundles w axe) Rome (regions): tiber river: the main river/water supply in rome ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *only memorize names, terms, and dates: had advisers called senatus (the senate); citizens = populus (the people) Government of the roman republic = senatus populusque romanus (spqr: romans divided into comitia curiata (*this existed only during the time of the kings) and comitia centuriata (military_