BIOL 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Secondary Succession, Shield Volcano, Selection Cutting

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25 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Carrying capacity: how many can be supported! Sustainability: how long a system can survive ! Exponential growth rate: 1. 18% of world"s population! Taxonomists: names of organisms must have no redundancy and no ambiguity! Population: group of interacting individuals of the same species ! Community: populations of different species interacting, allows for a lot of diversity! Genetic diversity: individuals vary slightly in their genetic makeup! Consumers: heterotrophs, get energy from feeding on other organisms! Decomposers: primarily bacteria and fungi, recycle organic matter, break down detritus (dead. Biomes: land! renewable over a long period of time, vary in their content of! Anchor plants, nutrients for everything, slow process, water storage and recycling, Community structure: physical appearance, species diversity! Population dynamics: size: number of individuals, density: individuals per area, age distribution, population= (births+immigration)- (deaths+emigration), clumped- protection (elephants), uniform- competition for a resource (creosote bush), random- (dandelions), age distribution: reproductive stage, biotic potential: growth factors, environmental resistance!