ANAT 315 Study Guide - Final Guide: Obturator Artery, Semimembranosus Muscle, Ileum

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Anterior fibres, middle (acromial) fibres, and posterior fibres. Triangular, only muscle in group located on anterior surface of scap. Clavicular- clavicle, costal- 6 upper costal cartilages, sternum. Lower ribs, t7-t12, lumbar, lumbar fascia, sacrum, iliac crest. Lateral third of clavicle, acromion, lateral third of spine of scap. Thick strap-like muscle located at back and side of neck, deep to. Pec maj. 1 of 3 muscles that attach to coracoid only muscle of post comprtmnt, long, lateral, & medial head (deep) aponeurosis cross behind elbow. Stabilizes scap, pulls upward and forward on rib cage. Oblique line from medial epicondyle coronoid process anterior radius. Only one that does not cross wrist, only elbow. Occipital bone extends head, turns head in same direction as. Extends head, turns head in same direction as. Lower cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, iliac crest, ilium. Adductor magnus adductor hiatus (femoral vessels pass through) Back of head of fib soleal line of tib.