ANAT 215 Final: Bell Ringer Material

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Image simple squamous epithelium lines heart and blood vessels where absorption occurs simple cuboidal epithelium ovary, kidney, glands where absorption and secretion occur simple columnar epithelium. Gi tract, uterine tubes, excretory system strati ed squamous epithelium mouth, anus, skin lines wet cavities of body strati ed cuboidal epithelium throat, epiglottis, salivary glands protection. 66 dense regular ct tendons, ligaments provide support adipose ct kidneys, pericardial & abdominal cavities, under skin insulates, packing and lling material, nutrients reticular ct liver, spleen, lymph nodes forms framework of organs. 66 microglia nervous system monitor health of neurons ependymal cells lining brain and spinal cord produce and circulate csf oligodendrocytes. Cns wrap around nerve bres to form myelin. Image frontal lobe parietal lobe occipital lobe temporal lobe. 2 hemispheres connected by vermis midbrain: cerebral peduncles colliculi cerebral peduncles connect brain stem to cerebrum superior colliculi: visual re ex inferior colliculi: auditory re ex.